With the new system developed by CMA, the drilling machine head can move along three axes X,Y,Z until you find the exact point where you need to do the hole: positioning, clamping, drilling and finally, milling is performed in automatic.
With savings on costs and production times this investment becomes profitable in a short time.
The programs are simple to realize , so no previous CNC knowledge is required. Some of the problems encountered in machining single pieces and small batches, for example marking out, center punching or centering on the milling machines, can be eliminated because there is the possibility to do the positioning of drilling in automatic mode and manual. Displacement on linear guides allows an increase of movement laterally “X”, to satisfy the customer’s needs. In this way we are able to provide a solution both for large surfaces and for batteries of multiple pieces. With this machine you can run several cycles of jobs, such as drilling-tapping -countersinking-thermal drillingsmall rectangular milling, linear milling from different angles 0°- 90° or circular, rounded and arc mills.
CMA has created two types of models: TRD series and GRD series.